Sponsorship opportunities

ITworldEdu seeks the collaboration of companies and institutions that provide value, experience and knowledge. The purpose of the organization goes far beyond a simple sponsorship. The goal is to establish a partnership. For ITworldEdu, each company or institution is a unique ally, with flexible conditions adapted to its specificity, knowledge and interests.


Generation of business opportunities

ITworldEdu attracts over 600 participants from the education sector, including school principals and directors, consultants and decision makers for the purchase of technological and educational innovation.


As a meeting point for the education sector, ITworldEdu gives companies a chance to promote their products and/or solutions and get greater brand exposure.

Participation as a speaker

The sponsoring companies’ active participation in preparing workshops and discussion of good practices in the programme helps others to see the business sector as an active and expert player in providing innovative solutions for the education sector.


ITworldEdu is the ideal context for holding face-to-face meetings with potential clients, as well as forging relations and networking with other education professionals and companies.

Contact with itworldedu@edutech.cat and together we will be able to work on your company’s sponsorship in ITworldEdu.