
EVIDENCE WORKSHOP | 18 FEBRUARY 2021 | 17:15 – 18:15

Francesc Gomila


Deconstructing Hattie

Based on analysis of the case “Visible learning: a synthesis of over 800 meta-analyses relating to achievement” by John Hattie, the workshop will take an approach to the knowledge, reading and interpretation of various sources of evidence in education in order to bring education professionals closer to enter evidence-based teaching. The workshop will also explore the context elements that can help the results of educational research to be incorporated into school practice.

For 25 years, Francesc Gomila has been a secondary school and A-levels teacher of physics and mathematics, with further responsibilities in management, coordination and tutoring. He participated as an SOSE trainer at the Catalan Ministry of Education on “skill assessment models” and was a founding partner of Balma Educativa, SL, an educational consulting firm focused on providing advice and training for educational transformation in schools and participation in educational assessment and curricular development projects. Balma has worked in nearly 100 primary and secondary schools and collaborates regularly with public and private education institutions and bodies.
