Evidence Workshops 


Registration is allowed to 1 workshop per person. Limited places.

Parallel sessions: 18th February – 17:15 a 18:15h

All the workshops will take place on the 1st floor


Workshop: Deconstructing Hattie

(Capacity: 120 people)

Francesc Gomila
Partner and founder Balma Educativa SL

Based on analysis of the case “Visible learning: a synthesis of over 800 meta-analyses relating to achievement” by John Hattie, the workshop will take an approach to the knowledge, reading and interpretation of various sources of evidence in education in order to bring education professionals closer to enter evidence-based teaching. The workshop will also explore the context elements that can help the results of educational research to be incorporated into school practice.


Workshop: Centres that create knowledge: observation of educational practice and evidence

(Capacity: 60 people)

Jorge Úbeda
Philosopher, manager Fundación Promaestro and associated professor Universidad Complutense de Madrid

During this workshop, Jorge Úbeda, from Fundación Promaestro. Universidad Complutense Madrid, will offer practical keys for the management and teaching teams to incorporate the observation of the practice in their school projects.


Workshop: Digitilisation framework for educational transformation

(Capacity: 50 people)

Clúster Edutech

This workshop provides you with the possibility of making an approach to the digitalisation framework for educational transformation, based on the European Framework for Digitally-Competent Educational Organisations (DigCompOrg).


Workshop: What’s working well? How to use evidence to improve outcomes for pupils

(Capacity: 150 people)

Kate Atkins
Principal Rosendale Primary and Research school

In this workshop, Kate Atkins will support schools to understand how they can begin to use evidence to improve outcomes. She will look at the wealth of data that already exists about what works and look at how that can be applied to a classroom context.

Evidence Workshops 


Registration is allowed to 1 workshop . Limited places.

Parallel sessions : July 1st – 17:15 a 18:15h

All the workshops will take place on the 1st floor


Workshop: Deconstructing Hattie

(Capacity: 120 people)

Francesc Gomila
Partner and founder Balma Educativa SL

Based on analysis of the case “Visible learning: a synthesis of over 800 meta-analyses relating to achievement” by John Hattie, the workshop will take an approach to the knowledge, reading and interpretation of various sources of evidence in education in order to bring education professionals closer to enter evidence-based teaching. The workshop will also explore the context elements that can help the results of educational research to be incorporated into school practice.


Workshop: Centres that create knowledge: observation of educational practice and evidence

(Capacity: 60 people)

Jorge Úbeda
Philosopher, manager Fundación Promaestro and associated professor Universidad Complutense de Madrid

During this workshop, Jorge Úbeda, from Fundación Promaestro. Universidad Complutense Madrid, will offer practical keys for the management and teaching teams to incorporate the observation of the practice in their school projects.


Workshop: Digitilisation framework for educational transformation

(Capacity: 50 people)

Clúster Edutech

This workshop provides you with the possibility of making an approach to the digitalisation framework for educational transformation, based on the European Framework for Digitally-Competent Educational Organisations (DigCompOrg).


Workshop: What’s working well? How to use evidence to improve outcomes for pupils

(Capacity: 150 people)

Kate Atkins
Principal Rosendale Primary and Research school

In this workshop, Kate Atkins will support schools to understand how they can begin to use evidence to improve outcomes. She will look at the wealth of data that already exists about what works and look at how that can be applied to a classroom context.
