PANEL | 18 FEBRUARY 2021 | 12:00 – 13:00h

Ethics and technology

Enric Masllorens ITworldEdu



Enric Masllorens | Jesuïtes Educació

Managing Director 


  • Degree in Geological Sciences from the University of Barcelona (1981).
  • Master’s degree in Underground Hydrology from the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (1983).
  • Business Organisation and Creation Course jointly organised by the Polytechnic University of Catalonia and Fundació “la Caixa” (1989).
  • PhD in Pedagogy from the University of Barcelona (1997). The title of his doctoral thesis was “Evaluation of permanent teacher training in Catalonia: an innovative training model”.

Professional experience:

  • Director of La Blanquerna Primary School (URL). During this time the curricula were changed (new specialties) and a market study and pedagogical viability study were carried out to organise the Diploma in Speech Therapy (1992-1995) and the Degree in Physical Sports Activities.
  • General Director of the Pia Balmes School, overseeing 1,200 primary and secondary school students (1996-2003)
  • Director General of Institución Cultural del CIC, Fundación Privada, with around 6,500 students (Escuela Thau Barcelona, Escuela Thau Sant Cugat, CIC A-Levels and Training School, CIC Language School, Virtèlia Music School) (2003-2011).
  • Director General of the publisher SM (SM Group) (2011-2016). Publishing company that invoices 70% of its budget in paper and digital textbooks, 20% in children’s and youth literature books (especially from the Barco de Vapor and Gran Angular collections) and 10% in the “Let’s Educate” Information Technology Platform. He is a member of the SM Group’s Education Commission (publishers in nine countries in the Americas and five publishers in Spain).
  • Director General of La Fundación Jesuitas Educación (2016 – present). The foundation teaches 14,000 students over eight schools and directly employs 1,500 people.

Other responsibilities

  • First Vice President of the Association of Catalan Language Publishers and of the Organisational Board of Catalan Book Week (2012 to 2016).
  • President of the Agrupación Escolar Catalana (AEC), a business association that brings together 96 schools across Catalonia) from 2008 to 2011. Prior to that, he had been Vice President since 2004.
  • From 1995 to 2010 (July), he was President of the UNESCO Centre of Catalonia – Unescocat. Prior to that, he was the Vice President and he sat on the Board from the beginning (1983) until 2015.
  • Since 1980, he has been a member of the Board of Trustees of the Foundation for Peace and has actively participated in its permanent commission.
  • Account auditor and member of the Abacus cooperative members’ commission. From June 2010 to January 2012, he also participated in its Governing Board.
Xavier Cortes ITworldEdu


Xavier Cortés | Colegio Summa Aldapeta San Sebastián

Professor and Director

Xavier Cortés, a former president of Spanish publishers, professor of Philosophy, author of many books and regular lecturer, is a heavyweight in the classroom. He knows that “you can’t experiment” with education projects and upholds the school as a transmitter of “humanity’s best tradition”. He has directed the Summa Aldapeta School in San Sebastian since 2016.

Angel Castiñeira


Ángel Castiñeira | ESADE-URL

Director of the Chair of Leadership and professor of the Department of Society, Policy and Sustainability

Director of the Value Observatory (Lluis Carulla Foundation) since 2007. Director of the Leadership and Democratic Governance Chair at ESADE-URL (since 2006). Director of the Social Science Department at ESADE-URL (from 2005 to 2014). Professor in the Social Science Department at ESADE-URL (since 1993). Director of the Contemporary Issue Study Centre (Generalitat de Catalunya, 1998-2004).
Professor of Contemporary Philosophy at Ramon Llull University (1990-1994). Director of the Proa publishing house’s “Contemporary Issues” collection (1994-2004). Director of “IDEES, Magazine of Contemporary Issues” (1999-2004). A-levels Philosophy teacher (1981-1989).
My teaching activity at ESADE dates from 1993 to the present. I have specialised in various fields:

  • Social philosophy and analysis of the environment. Political philosophy (geopolitical thought, theories of justice, politics and government; multiculturalism and immigration; nationalism and federalism, civil society, the welfare state and social capital; contemporary ideological trends).
  • Applied ethics (aspects related to business ethics and work with values within organisations, as well as the relationship between values and leadership).
  • The exercise of leadership and its axiological component