Xavier Cortés, a former president of Spanish publishers, professor of Philosophy, author of many books and regular lecturer, is a heavyweight in the classroom. He knows that “you can’t experiment” with education projects and upholds the school as a transmitter of “humanity’s best tradition”. He has directed the Summa Aldapeta School in San Sebastian since 2016.
Director of the Value Observatory (Lluis Carulla Foundation) since 2007. Director of the Leadership and Democratic Governance Chair at ESADE-URL (since 2006). Director of the Social Science Department at ESADE-URL (from 2005 to 2014). Professor in the Social Science Department at ESADE-URL (since 1993). Director of the Contemporary Issue Study Centre (Generalitat de Catalunya, 1998-2004).
Professor of Contemporary Philosophy at Ramon Llull University (1990-1994). Director of the Proa publishing house’s “Contemporary Issues” collection (1994-2004). Director of “IDEES, Magazine of Contemporary Issues” (1999-2004). A-levels Philosophy teacher (1981-1989).
My teaching activity at ESADE dates from 1993 to the present. I have specialised in various fields: